Do you ever notice that certain colours affect how you feel? Boosting your mood, making you feel more confident or perhaps excited? Maybe you’ve noticed they make you feel calmer or perhaps more comfortable? Well it’s a fact that colour is associated with our emotions and can have a direct impact on how we feel. So what exactly does each colour mean? Take a little scroll down and check out how colour can boost your mood!

As we well know, red is bold and on the warm side of the colour spectrum, evoking strong emotions of love, warmth and due to its brightness; excitement! Perfect for an a adventurous day out with a loved one or maybe to give you a little bravery for an upcoming event?

Vintage Dancer Dress & Retro Shirt


Quick to grab attention, yellow is wonderfully bright, reminiscent of days in the sunshine. Yellow evokes the feeling of happiness and joy, giving us a zest for life! So why not add a little joy into your wardrobe with a splash of yellow.

Fruits Of Love Dress & Road Holder Leather Jacket


A colour that rarely occurs in our day to day life ,it is often seen as exotic, rare and somewhat intriguing. A mix of the two of the boldest colours on the spectrum (blue and red) when worn, purple can evoke feelings of power and sophistication. Perfect for that upcoming business meeting you have or perhaps a job interview you’re a little nervous for?

Unique Bird Dress & Oriental Shirt


Regarded as red’s softer cousin, pink is strongly associated with femininity and in turn when worn or seen can evoke feelings of compassion kindness and more commonly romance! Gents don’t be put off by pink, it’ll showcase your confidence and personality and we reckon the saying ‘real men wear pink’ is spot on!

Flirty Flattering Dress & Reflections T-Shirt


Last but certainly not least it’s orange! Full of life, energy and warmth orange is likely to make us feel enthusiastic, an happy and unafraid to stand out! If you’re looking for a pick-me-up or you’re feeling little under the weather, go for orange!

Summer Nights Dress & Beach Tunes Shirt

We hope you’ve enjoyed finding out a little more about how colour can make you feel, we certainly enjoyed writing about it! The main thing to take from all of this is wear something YOU enjoy, a colour that’s makes you feel instantly confident, boosts your mood and most importantly makes you happy!