Life’s essential Ingredients are simply all the things we put into this life, to get the most back out of it.
With everything going on in the world right now, it’s never been more important to think about what really makes us feel good – all the great things that go into the mix to create our own recipe for happiness.
We have spent a lot of time canvassing opinion from a wide range of people, and have pulled together the most common themes. As you would imagine, we discovered that one person’s mix can be quite different to the next! – but there is absolutely no right or wrong. Some of us prefer it hot and others not!
Then we got to thinking about where our garments fit into all of this – and we realised that we already create clothing that reflects many of these positive attitudes to life. Pieces made for the good times, for adventure, for those spontaneous moments and for those times that call for a touch of individuality.
Celebrating who we are and feeling free to express our individuality is high up the list of essential ingredients for many – and once you discover what it is that makes you special, you can have real fun in celebrating it! Naturally, the clothing we wear plays a key role in this, and customers often tell us that they want to follow the latest trends, but without being a slave to fashion – they want to stay true to themselves and their personal style. Here’s a few brand new personality filled pieces for the season ahead.
Never has an appreciation of our sense of freedom been so important as it is today – another one of those ‘you don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone’ type of things. We all miss the freedom to go out, the freedom to travel, the freedom to experience new things – even the simple freedom of seeing friends and family. But we’ve not lost our freedom of expression – the ability to express who we are through what we say, what we do, and also what we wear. Cue some brand new personality-filled styles just waiting to be shown off!
An ingredient at the very top of our list! Courage is the ability to do something that scares us every once in a while, it gives us the confidence to go out and be who we want to be or to wear what we want to wear. Courage is attractive, and it shows strength. It pushes us out of our comfort zones and it is often where amazing new experiences are born.
Having fun appeared a lot on the list of ingredients – after all who doesn’t want a large helping of fun on a regular basis! Fun is contagious, it makes us laugh, it brings us together and it helps make amazing memories. A sense of fun is at the heart of many of our unique designs – with bold colours, unusual shapes and fabulous materials fusing together to create feel good pieces that will have you smiling (and your friends complimenting you) for seasons to come.
Introducing some of our brand new fun-filled styles, packed with frills, pleats, fabulous accessories and lots of amazing colours!
Respect is another of Life’s Essential Ingredients – whether it be respect for the things we do and for the type of person we are, or, on the flip side, the respect we give to the things around us.
Respect has to be earned, but when it eventually arrives, it feels marvellous and it gives us the confidence to continue down the right path.
We often use the expression ‘do right, fear nothing’ – if we respect all the amazing things and people around us, everything will work out just fine :)
Originality is all about being one of a kind, having a sense of independence and the confidence to stand out from the crowd and to follow your own path in life. Original people are inspiring, interesting and intriguing, three words we hold very dear here at Joe Browns. We use these as filters when judging our ideas - whether it is a design for a new store window, an exclusive pattern for a dress or a catalogue page design.
Here's a few of our favourite new originals just launched this season!
Why not take some time out to think about what goes into your personal recipe for life – what are your top ten ingredients? Feel free to share them with us over on our social channels.