It’s safe to say Joe is somewhat of a festival aficionado! Over the years he’s picked up some festival hacks to make sure you can enjoy the music, the people and the atmosphere without falling victim to the usual festival pitfalls.

Festival scene


Lose yourself… but not everyone else

It’s easy to get carried away in the atmosphere of a festival. You’ll find yourself making plenty of new friends, but it’s important not to lose the ones you came with! Decide on a meet-up point should anyone get lost and your phones be out of use. Joe always finds the best meet up points are by a bar…just in case you’re waiting a while!

Friends at a festival



Don’t look down!

That’s right, we’re talking about the dreaded portaloo’s. Joe’s tried and tested tip is to carry a heavily perfumed handkerchief with you. Hold said smelly hanky over your nose whilst doing your business and then escape as soon as possible, and whatever you do, don’t look down the hole!
This hack won’t relieve the fear you’ll face when entering the cubicle, especially by day 3, but it’ll help mask the nightmarish aroma!

Festival toilets



Hats are your best friend at a festival. Not only will they shelter you from sun and/or rain, but they’ll also have you oozing cool festival vibes whilst hiding a greasy barnet.

 Joe Browns festival dress and hat


Everything will be all wipe

Only novices believe they’re going to shower and come out feeling cleaner at a festival. Buy a pack (or 10) of biodegradable baby wipes and say hello to your personal hygiene saviour for the weekend!

Festival scene


Not just for yogi’s

Pack a yoga mat. They’re super light to carry and they’ll make whatever terrain you find yourself sleeping on so much more comfortable.

Festival scene


Treat those tootsies

Pack a spare pair of socks. This may sound like an odd one, but believe Joe, when you eventually kick off those wellies there’s nothing better than slipping on something clean for the long journey home.

Festival wellies


If you’re looking for some festival style inspiration, why not head to our amazing summer sale here. We’ve got plenty of remarkable pieces for amazing prices!