Summer is the perfect time to enjoy a delicious cocktail – like we need an excuse!

As we adapt to the ‘new normal’ we find ourselves having to be a little more creative at home. Lucky for you, we’ve mixed up 4 simple cocktail recipes to show you how easy it is to make some of your favourite tipples at home! Take a scroll below to get some inspiration on how you can have a boozy date night with your other half from the comfort of your own kitchen! No bar tab, no worries!


The Nifty Negroni

Ingredients (serves 2)

Campari 50ml

Gin 50ml

Martini Rosso 50ml

2 Oranges, peeled to garnish



Pour the gin, Martini and Campari into a jug with ice. Stir well until the jug becomes cold to touch. Strain into a tumbler, add fresh ice and garnish with an orange slice. It’s that easy!




The Delicious Daiquiri

Ingredients (serves 2)

500g strawberries (remove the leaves)

200g ice

100ml rum

juice ½ lime



Blend the strawberries then push the strawberry puree you’ve created through a sieve to remove the seeds. Tip the seedless strawberry puree into a blender and add the ice, rum, and lime juice. Blend the ingredients together then divide the mixture between 2 glasses.

If you have any strawberries or lime leftover you can use them to garnish. Enjoy!




Simple Sangria!

Ingredients (serves up to 6)

4 oranges plus any summer fruits of your choice

1 bottle of light red wine (or white or if you prefer)

1/3 cup brandy (plus more to taste)

5 tbsp caster sugar



Cut 1 of the oranges into thin slices and put into a pitcher jug, then squeeze the juice from the remaining 3 oranges into the pitcher jug along with the wine and sugar. Give it a stir and then leave to chill in the fridge. Serve from the jug into ice-filled glasses.

If you fancy making it a non-alcoholic cocktail simply swap the wine for some grape juice and you have the perfect summer mocktail!




The Carefree Cuba Libre

Ingredients (serves 2)

1 lime

100ml rum (white or dark)

200ml coke



Cut the lime into eight wedges. Squeeze the juice from 4 of the small wedges into two glasses in equal measures. Drop the remaining wedges of lime into the glasses, 2 in each glass, and fill with ice. Pour 50ml of rum into each glass and then top up with coke and stir gently with a cocktail stirrer or a long-stemmed spoon.


cuba libre


All that’s left to do now is enjoy! After all, nothing is quite as relaxing as sipping a cocktail from your own sofa!